EN 353-1:2014 + A1:2017 Guided type fall arresters (rigid lines) Systems made up of a line or rail intended to be fixed (either temporarily or permanently) to a structure at top and bottom, on which a travelling device is attached. The user connects to this travelling device when climbing or descending – in the case of a fall, the travelling device should grip the line and arrest the fall. 1. Static Strength The guided type fall arrester and vertical lifeline with top anchor point are loaded in a line up to a force of 15kN for 3 minutes. Any textile elements that are not designed to be removed after use need to also be tested to 22kN for 3 minutes. During the dynamic performance test, if the load on the anchorage point is recorded as being higher than 6kN, an additional static test is carried out on the top anchor to 2.5 times this recorded load. For any system where a guided type fall arrester cannot rotate freely around its rigid anchor line, a lateral static...
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